Now Released! Cassandra Huff's Book: The Relationship Between Calm Concentration Training Model and Reduced Test-Anxiety and Improved Academic Test Scores in Students

"The Relationship Between Calm Concentration Training Model and Reduced Test-Anxiety and Improved Academic Test Scores in Students" published by Page Publishing is an essential research capsuled in an easy, simplified, applied methodology, within an easy-to-read book.

Cassandra Huff, Author-Researcher, shares her captivating research hoping that those struggling with academic achievement issues will be able to use the application outlined and hopefully improve academic achievement skills.

Cassandra holds a Master of Social Work Degree (1981) with a concentration in  Policy, Planning and Administrative Systems from the Historical Black Atlanta University School of Social Work.

In April 2006, Cassandra, as an Advanced Doctoral Learner, began pursuing a PhD at Capella University’s School of Human Services. She later became an  Advanced Academic Researcher and completed her PhD studies at Capella  University’s Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences in Counseling  Studies, General with a research study that concentrated on improving academic achievement in students who are inhibited because of stressors such as test-anxiety. 

Cassandra is clinically experienced in Child and Family Services, Forensic and  Legal Social-Behavioral Sciences in the fields of Social Work, Neuropsychiatry,  Substance Abuse, and Mental-Emotional Disability Law.

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Cassandra Huff’s research seeks to improve individual academic requirements and positive-constructive achievement desires. 

Readers who wish to experience this boosting and optimistically encouraging work can purchase “The Relationship Between Calm Concentration Training  Model and Reduced Test-Anxiety and Improved Academic Test Scores in Students” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store,  Amazon, Kobo, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 1-866-315-2708.

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Source: Page Publishing
